Log Space Estimate

  • Estimate Transaction Log Space

    Does anyone have any means to estimate the

    transaction log space required for a transaction?

    Let us say, I have a table with 10 integer columns,

    with a million rows.

    There is a clustered index on first 4. Is there any

    way to estimate how much log space would a transaction

    to update one of the fileds in the index take? Would that

    be about twice as much as the table size (to keep current and

    modified snapshots of the data)? I know there are utility procs to estimate table space, are there any for log space?


  • Rather than estimating, I would do it by taking regular transaction log backups whilst applying the transactions in test mode. Look at the size of the tlog backups (or run queries against the msdb backup tables) and also regularly save results of DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE). That should give you an idea of requirements.

    BTW: I would recommend NOT having transactions that update fields comprising the clustered index. A clustered index is best chosen from non-volatile fields, otherwise performance suffers.


    - Mark

    - Mark

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