Log Shipping with SQL Standard Edition - LiteSpeed, ResourceKit or Other

  • Currently on SQL 2000. Will be upgrading to 2008 later this year.

    Immediately, I want to setup log shipping between our production server and a fail-over server. We also have separate servers for Staging, Test and Dev.

    I have built my own log shipping routine for another smaller server, but I don't want to implement that on this much larger server.

    What I would like to gather is a non-bias (if that exists) opinion about setting up log shipping. I hear a lot about Quest's LiteSpeed solution for Log Shipping, but that would be quite an expensive solution given I would basically need some form of license on all the other servers I have that we want to restore to.

    The database is currently 300GB and growing. Our log backup can grow up to 30GB.

    Thank you in advance!

  • I use a log shipping set up supplied with the BORK (back office resource kit), its written by MS employees, uses SQL Agent jobs and sqlmaint and works extremely well and is simple and well designed, in fact I prefer it to the enterprise edition offering (2000 or 2005)

    It is not 2005/2008 compatible but is FREE, so a good temporary solution

    Whatever option you choose you will have the problem of initialising log shipping via the full restore. Best make sure network is good.

    not sure of a URL for it (there are some set up scripts and description of process) but search for 'Installing Log Shipping for SQL 7.0' by Natasha Huggins.


  • Thank you much, George! But first the most tricky part, apparently... finding that Resource CD!

  • this URL appears to have a link to the code -


    any problems give me a shout I can send you everything needed to set it up.

    Note - the srticle talks about SQL 7.0 which this method was designed for, so it comes from the SQL 7.0 BORK, but don't worry , it works on SQL 2000.


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