Log Shipping with disconnected servers?

  • I have two SS2005 SE servers that are firewalled from each other (and need to

    stay that way). There is a black-box file transfer process in place that copies the

    log files from server one to the other. I was hoping I could use the

    built-in log shipping feature to restore the logs after a delay and delete

    them after a retention period. However, I can't seem to get past this result,

    where the log file is identified and reported as restored, but it not

    actually restored.

    "Found first log backup file to restore. Secondary DB: 'MYDATA', File:


    The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: 'MYDATA', Number

    of log backup files restored: 0

    I can manually restore it and the script skips to the next log in the chain

    and produces the same result.

    Can I configure the secondary server to do the restoration without having any connection to the primary?

    If not, can you point me to a good set of alternate scripts I can use? Ideally, it would be a of scripts that read and update the MS log shipping tables or a some custom tables that serve a similar purpose.

  • it's reasonably easy to roll your own log shipping - I'd guess many sites have example scripts - in fact I think the sql2k res kit had an sample set of scripts.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I can't find a SQL Server 2000 resource kit for download. Here is the MS site of SQL Server 2000 downloads:


    Here is a search for the resource kit on the MS download site.


    I also tried more basic searches such as "Resource Kit"

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