Log Shipping with Compression

  • I am curious if anyone has any experience with using compression during the log shipping process. I know that it can be configured, but does anyone have opinions or practical experience on the benefits / impact of doing this?

    Appreciate any responses that come my way.

  • I use backup compression for log shipping between 2 SQL 2008R2 servers. I don't see any downside to it.

    Faster/smaller backups, copies and restores. I suppose there is slight CPU overhead to do the compression but I haven't noticed it at all.

  • JeremyE (2/4/2011)

    I use backup compression for log shipping between 2 SQL 2008R2 servers. I don't see any downside to it.

    Faster/smaller backups, copies and restores. I suppose there is slight CPU overhead to do the compression but I haven't noticed it at all.

    Agreed. CPU isnt normally the bottle neck on modern servers. Disk IO however is and by compressing the backups you are reducing the amount of disk contention through smaller files. Win-Win.

    (similar principle applies to compressed tables)

  • Just curious, is compression recommended in log shipping if we are using third party tools like SQL lite etc for backup/restore.


  • Since SQL 2008 has come up with inbuilt backup comprassion then why should we look for 3rd party tool.

    Also, i believe that 3rd party backup comprassion will not be practically possible in SQL Logshipping ( may be members can contribute to this more).

  • Chetan, I was not referring to SQL Server 2008 alone. As backup compression is a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2008, I thought we could use third party tools in earlier versions.


  • to have backup files compressed in log shipping, i think you need to install that particular 3rd party tool on both the servers ( primary & secondary - on Primary for compressing the file and on secondary to uncompress the file).

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