Log shipping related question

  • Dear Mates,

    I have a database 'alpha' on a default instance on server A. There is server B with default instance where i restore the alpha database from backup. I do DMLs on the restored database on B. And, once in a while I restore it again form the recent full backup from A.

    Now, I want to do logshipping for A - alpha on server B.

    1. I cant keep the same name of two user databases.

    2. If i install a named instance on B for log shipping, I think, there would be problem during failover because primary db is in default instance. As i know, if there is a named instance, that needs to be mentioned in config files of application for connectivity. like [AA.BB.CC.DDD\iNSTANCENAME]

    Can you please guide me the best course of action here.


  • 1 - Can you not change the name of the alpha database you do your DML on to something different, eg AlphaDML and then you can logship as normal with default instances and database names, you just need to repoint DNS when you fail over.

    2 - Yes, you will need to update config files on fail over to specify the instance if you go down named instances.

    Now if you are able to change the apps and/or configs have you looked at mirroring or are you limited to log shipping?

  • Thanks Antony.

    I cant rename the alpha db, because once in a while this has to be restored from recent full backup of alpha.

    Thats why i am going with a named instance.

    We cant use mirroring because this is a standard edition.

  • You can do mirroring in Standard edition, just not Async mirroring. Standard edition mirroring is Single Threaded Syncronous

    You can restore Alpha from ServerA to AlphaDML on ServerB the database name doesnt have to be the same, the only time it would be needed to be the same is if apps talked to the ServerB version of Alpha and you cant change the connection strings.

    If you cant rename, then it will either need to be a new named instance, or a totally different server with a default instance.

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