Log shipping Questions

  • I am looking at implementing log shipping on 2 identical SQL2000 servers. I am most interested in querying the Secondary server and have questions about it being in 'Read Only' mode.

    1) If I have a stored procedure in this 'read_only' database can it write temp tables to tempdb. (From my testing it seems as though you can)

    2) In the original database, I have Views with clustered indexes. Since these are really tables, are they transfered also? If they are transferred, when and how are they updated? When the log is shipped?

    Any suggestions/comments on log shipping appreciated!


  • (1) is yes.

    (2) don't know

    Big caveat -- you can't restore a log when you are reading from the database (it may be a bit more specific than that, you may need to be touching certain tables being restored, I have not tried to determine). Log shipping's restore will fail OR the read query will fail, depending on which is running first

  • Hi there

    (2) Yes, and updated on subsequent log shippings. Check your recovery model on your source DB, if bulk-logged ensure the selected operations are fully logged so changes are shipped to the destination.



    Chris Kempster


    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • most informative... thank to all!! Once my additional hardware is here I'll start the implementation, I'm sure I'll be posting again.


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