Log shipping out of sync

  • Hello everybody,

    I have a problem with log shipping being out of sync. I have deleted the old log shipping job.

    I have tried to take a full back up of the primary(which took almost an hour) and then restored it on the secondary. the log shipping setup did not give me any errors as such but the new jobs seem to be failing.

    Can anybody tell me the procedure to remove log shipping completely and then setup log shipping for the same databases?

    here is a detailed description.

    old setup:--

    server A - primary, server B - secondary. server B is the monitor server as well.

    transaction logs backed up every 15 minutes. complete restores done at 6am and 6pm.

    log shipping for another pair is also monitored by server B.

  • Well if your log shipping is out of sync first check the monitor server and find which T-log is missing or failed to restore /copy in the secondary server......the log ship monitor will clearly state which was the last t-log  copied and which t-log was last restored ........

    if any tran log was missing and becoz of it if subsequent t-logs were not restored jus check if that particulart t-log was present in primary server and if it was present just copy the same to sec and manually restore it and start restore job after that...............

    in your case you need not delete any jobs for out of sync.......just disable all the log shipping jobs i.e backup, copy and restore jobs in primary and secondary server and take a full backup in primary and restore it in secondary server with standby option so that additional tran logs can be restored.......

    then just enable all the log shipping jobs in both the servers and check if the t-logs are properly restored ........


    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • refer these articles and revert if you need any help,


    http://sql-articles.com/articles/lship/lship.htm feel free to provide your comments if any


    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • Thank you Deepak,

    I would have done what you have suggested but i am unable to find the .TUF file to load the transactions.

    and one of my colleauge already removed the log shipping from the primary.

    now i have to do it from scratch.  Can you suggets the best possible way?

    I appreciate your help.

    Thank you,


  • Sathya, you can refer the links which i had provided already.........i guess it wud be useful.Anyways even though you had manually deleted the jobs there would be entry for the server names in the following tables in msdb so you need to manually remove all those entries else you cannot reconfigure log shipping with the same server name as earlier.........refer this link for the tables,



    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • I have deleted every record pertainig to the old log shipping.

    this is how i plan to reconfigure log shipping.

    1.) take full backup of primary database.

    2.) restore secondary DB using the full back up.

    3.) use the log ship wizard to setup log ship.

    4.) restore transaction logs using the following stmt:-


      FROM DISK = 'G:\SQL\LogShipping\PROD_tlog_200707080201.TRN'



    let me know if this is right.


    thank you,


  • you need to take a full backup and restore it using with standby option, remaining steps are fine........also you need to create a shared folder and give modify privilege for the sql service account,

    refer, http://sql-articles.com/articles/lship/pre-lship.htm for the prerequisites for configuring log shipping

    refer, http://sql-articles.com/articles/lship/config-lship.htm for log shipping in sql 2005 if you hava any doubts..........

    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

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