Log Shipping from SP2 to SP3

  • Unable to copy the initialization file to the secondary server ...

    I am getting the above error when I am setting up the maintenance plan for log shipping. The primary server is in sp3 and the secondary server is in sp3. Could this be the problem? I have shared a directory E:\LS with a sharename LS. This directory can be accessed from the destination server. What is wrong? Any suggestions thanks.

  • Help Please !!!

  • It doesn’t mater what service pack is on it. Is both servers are in the same domain? What’s your OS? Any clustering between the server?


  • Has this condition been met (from Books Online):


    The login used to start the MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent services must have access to the log shipping plan jobs, the source server, and the destination server.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Both servers are on the same domain.No clustering. Both sql services are using same domain admin account now. Previously local admin account. Now backup itself fails.

    Error 3202: Write on\\servername\dirname\dbname_logshipping_init.bak failed status=64

  • OK. This database was around 800mb in size. I picked up another db of 50mb size and the plan succeeded. Need to work on the big db now.

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