log shipping doesnt work properly

  • Hi All,

    I have serious problems in log shipping configuration and it is not working properly.

    The Primary Server is in EST timezone and Secondary Server is in PST timezone.

    The log shipping is configured for every 15 minutes.

    When i try run the LSbackup and LSCopy and then LSRestore jobs manually it is working fine.

    But as per scchedule , the SQL Agent is getting messed up. I found there is a time difference of 3 hours.

    Primary Server is 3 hrs ahead of the Secondary Server.

    Is there any quick fix to resolve this issue adjusting the time ? Am not sure where to modify log shipping configuration and what values to set in order to get the jobs working fine?

    As per my knowledge the logshipping is based on LSN chain and not much on time zone but not sure here the time's are messed up.

    Can anyone help me out to make this work??

    Thanks in Advance,

  • You are correct LS is ont timezone aware and it based on LSN.

    What you can do here is you need to set up LS manually or write step of restore tlog on secondary server. You can apply SQL Server 7.0 techniques for LS. You can also use third party tool if it works. Refer following link for further detail:



    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • what exactly is not working?


  • i log ship from a server in the UK to a server in USA with a time difference of 8 hours. As George says, what exactly is not working?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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