Log Shipping Copy Process

  • Hello Everyone

    I have set up Log Shipping between a Prod box(Primary) and a Disaster Recovery box(Secondary).

    The Primary box is creating the log backup fine. And placing the log backup file in the correct directory on a share. The Copy job is firing off, but no file is every copied to the Secondary box.

    This is the message that is in the history of Copy job.


    2010-08-10 10:00:15.94Checking to see if any previously copied log backup files that are required by the restore operation are missing. Secondary ID: 'a030df5b-681d-46dc-a1c9-8496b6ff290a'

    2010-08-10 10:00:15.94The copy operation was successful. Secondary ID: 'a030df5b-681d-46dc-a1c9-8496b6ff290a', Number of log backup files copied: 0

    2010-08-10 10:00:15.94----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG COPY -----

    Are the GUIDs different for each and every copy process? What would make the file not copy? The SQL job on the Secondary is not showing as a failed job. It is showing success. The quote above is from the secondary server.

    Both directories are showing in the job history as correct. There is just no trans log file being copied.

    Where can I look? What can I do to make these sync correctly?

    Thank you in advance

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Do you have any maintenance plan to back up the transaction log for the same database? If that's the case, log shipping will not function correctly because both maintenance plan and log shipping attempt to create transaction log backups of the same database.

    You can do full and differential database backups through your maintenance plan without any conflict with log shipping.

  • No, I do not perform maintenance plans. I write the code by hand.

    But in any case, nothing else in creating any backups of any type.

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Usually when my log shipping fails, I'll manually restore the next log and then delete it and all prior ones. 9 times out of 10, the job then picks up the right log to restore on the next run.

  • Is the Issue resolved same error i m getting.

  • U sure u have given the right path to paste the files

  • Yeah the services for network wer disabled got it

  • Is the SQL Server Agent on the secondary server running under an account that has access to the log shipping folder on the primary server?

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