Log Shipping

  • I have a real-time database (ServerA.DatabaseA) used by our customer who daily insert data.

    I need another database(ServerB.DatabaseB) which is a copy of the the previous DatabaseA (initially, the same schema, the same data). During the insertions of data in DatabaseA, these data must be inserted to DatabaseB too. But, DatabaseB is used for development purposes which means that I need too change its schema (e.g. add a nullable column to a table) without affecting DatabaseA and without affecting the process of copying data from DatabaseA to DatabaseB. When finishing the development phase, after testing in DatabaseB I will change the schema of DatabaseA to be the same with DatabaseB 's schema.

    I didnt know which feature of SQL Server 2005 I had to use.

    I tried Log shipping (ServerA.DatabaseA -> primary database), (ServerB.DatabaseB->Secondary Database)

    but when a change the schema of DatabaseB (e.g. add a nullable column to a table) then the transportation of data (the restore of the t-log to the secondary database) fails.

    Could you please tell me if there is any parameter in log - shipping that solves this problem or Is there any other feature of SQL Server 2005 that will help me to solve my problem



  • you're doing backup log from A and restore log to B.

    if you want to create a new column do it in A, log shipping will automatically carry a new column to B (you DON'T manually create a column in B).






  • I think he is adding a additonal column in for the devlopers to use. I would say probably what you are looking for would be transactional replication.


  • Hi again

    I implemented the replication project and the jobs: backup, copy completed successfully

    But, the restore job always fails:

    Error: Could not apply log backup file '\\secServer\SharedFolderSecondary\PrimaryDB_20060915071600.trn' to secondary database 'SecondaryDB'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***<nl/>*** Error: During startup of warm standby database 'SecondaryDB' (database ID 11)its standby file ('\\secServer\SharedFolderSecondary\SecondaryDB_20060915071828.tuf') was inaccessible to the RESTORE statement. The operating system error was '5(error not found)'. Diagnose the operating system error<c/> correct the problem<c/> and retry startup.<nl/>RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally


    Could you help me to find what caused this error?



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