log shipping

  • i have setup my log-shipping to run from 6AM-6PM.  it runs fine the whole day.  when i came in this morning, i checked

    the last file that was applied to the standby database and it was ServiceCenterMapped_20050714_175500_LOG.BAK. 

    i checked the backupset from msdb for this file and it has the ff information:

    first_lsn: 1260000000021500001

    last_lsn:  1260000000073300001

    log shipping failed to run this morning because it was unable to apply the log file to the standby database.  the error


    Executing RESTORE LOG ServiceCenterMapped FROM

    DISK='\\centauri\TLOGBACKUPFILES\\ServiceCenterMapped_20050715_060000_LOG.BAK' WITH

    STANDBY='C:\TLOGBACKUPFILES\servicecentermapped_undo.dat [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 3013, Sev 16: RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000]

    Msg 4305, Sev 16: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 1278000000016500001, which is too late to apply to the

    database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 1260000000073300001 can be restored. [SQLSTATE 42000]

    Job 'Log Shipping from S-SYD-25 to CENTAURI' : Step 1, 'Runs the T_SQL statement for log shipping' : Began Executing

    2005-07-15 06:05:00

    it says there that an earlier backup with LSN 1260000000073300001 can be restored.  but that has been applied already

    the previous night.  you'll noticed that its the last_lsn of the last backup file that was applied the previous


    so what i did was i re-applied again the file ServiceCenterMapped_20050714_175500_LOG.BAK and it went fine.  then i went

    on to apply the next backup file which was the first file today and i'm still getting the same error.

    why is it saying that it has an earlier backup?  that backup has already been applied....twice!! when i manually

    re-applied it again this morning.  and there are files between ServiceCenterMapped_20050714_175500_LOG.BAK and the first

    file today.

    any ideas would be appreciated.

    i dont know if this has an effect but we're running a full backup of the database at 8:45PM.  will that affect the

    continuity of my log shipping?  but what about that crap on LSN?  why does it saying that it has an early backup with

    LSN whatever when its obviously the LSN of the last backup that was applied.  sorry, this is just so frustrating. =)




  • Hi Ann,


    I have found in the past with log shipping if you take a backup (full) the log file is trunctaed and then the next log to be applied to the standby db is out of sync. What you will need to do is incorporate the full back up as part of the restore to your standby db and you should not have problems with applying the logs...

    Hope this helps.


    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • does that mean the very first step in my log shipping should be the restore of last nights's full backup then continue with the usual stuff on log-shipping (backup tran log then restore it to the remote server)



  • Yes it does, incorporate the full backup as part of the log shipping so restore that full backup as part of your log shipping job and then carry on with the tlog restores.


    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • thanks ford.  i'll try that one and see what happens on monday.

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