Log Shipping

  • Hi Guys,

    Have a logshipping question. I am setting up LogShipping for the first time and got the following error:

    Cannot open backup device 'LocalIP\LogShip\NorthWind.bak' Operation System Error5(Access is Denied). Restore FileList is terminated abnormally.

    I am setting it up to backup the whole database first and then restore it onto the secondary server.

    Is this error above a permissions issue. What should I change?

    Please help.



  • It is an "Operation System Error". That implies the location is not accessable. Either because you don't have accessrights, or because the location doesn't exist / isn't available.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • check the SQL Server Service Account and it is running under?

    Make sure this Security account has valid permissions/credentials setup.

  • Hi there,

    What should I do to fix this? Both the backup and restore folders are shared.

  • check to see that the SQL Service account has valid permissions to access/write to these locations. Add the required login(s) to these 2 Folders/locations.

  • Be aware that proper permissions needs to be set on two places. First is as share-permissions (when creating the share) and second in the security tab for the access-permissions.

    Check the permissions by logging on to Windows with the required account and see if you can access the share.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Do I check this under Services on Control Panel? What specific am I looking for.

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