Log Shipping

  • My production SQL Server 2005 is 64 bit. Is it possible to have Log shipping from SQL 2005 64 bit to SQL Server 2000 32 bit. any input is appreciated, thanking in advance.

  • NO!


    Ok.  You cannot ship logs from 2005 - 2000 period!  Now you can ship logs from 2000 to 2005 (Not sure if  you can do it with the MS products (never tried)) but the answer to your question is a resounding no.

  • you cannot ship logs from 2000 to 2005 unless you are going to upgrade sql 2000 to sql 2005. once you restore sql 2000 DB on sql 2005 the database version changes from 539 to 611.

  • Not that it was the point of the OP, but since I added it I should have expected this sort of reply.

    However, I will clairify.  I did make an apparently unobvious assumption.  If you are shipping logs from 2000 to 2005 that upgrading to 2005 is ... well obvious.  You're shipping to a 2005 instance.  It can be run in 80 compat mode, but it is 2005. 


  • 80 compat mode is if certain objects with store procedure are not compat witj sql server 2005 but besides that from logshipping this compat mode doesn't help & only this database version matters.

    thanks for your input & time. i appreciate

  • I guess I don't understand the point of the post.

    I well aware of all of the issues that result when you ship logs from a 2000 instance to a 2005 one.  I did it for about 5 months.  You asked the question if you could ship logs from 64bit 2005 - 32bit 2000.  I said "no" which is correct.  In fact the log format of 2005 is so different that no versions of 2005 can be read by any 2000 instance.

    What I don't get is you seem to know very intricate details about issues associated with shipping from 2000 - 2005, but yet didn't know that there is no way possible to take logs from 2005-2000?  This question is asked about 2x a week. 

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