March 31, 2016 at 1:33 am
I want to set up a Log Shuipping from SQL 2005 to 2012. I've been reading about it, and I think it is possible but the target database should be in "Recovery State" and not in "Open read only".
This is a problem, because I need the target database to be open read only. It is possible to duplicate the target database (which is in recovery mode) to a second database in open-read mode?
This is the architecture. It you have another alternative, please say it.
March 31, 2016 at 2:14 am
Here is some interesting reply.See if it works for you.But I strongly believe read only across version is never supported.
you can use standby if you have initialized the database I have tested it Greg . In logshipping through GUI when you choose the database is initialized that means you perform the backup and restore and initialize the database first and the database goes through a script upgrade mode already as there is a change in compatibility level it changes to 100 from 90 if the backup is of sql 2005 . on the other hand if you Ask SSMS to initilaize the database for you the standby mode can not be used because even if the database is in standby on secondary server its online script upgrade can not run on a database which is online its like using a trace flag -T902 to skip the Script upgrade so that is why Standby mode cannot be used in this situation
I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server
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