• Hello,

    I am new to SQL Server databases.

    We have an application that uses SQL Server2000 as the database.

    I have been getting the error "Log file full".  I have checked the AUTO GROW option and it is already enabled.

    Please let me know what other situations might lead to the system generating the LOG FULL error message.


    Thanks & Regards,



  • Hi,

    You also get this error when the hard disk that host the log file has its disk space filled to the max. 

    It is time for housekeeping!




  • The log file has caused the database to be full.  You might want to check to veerify that the database log backups are actually running.

    What I do to recover from this is:

    1. backup transaction <dbname> with no_log

    2. Shrink the transaction log file with ent. Manager.

    3. do a full backup of the database.


    Mike Segersin

    McKesson Corp.

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