January 12, 2005 at 8:50 am
Got a debate going on here. Need a mediator...
Here's the situation:
-Log File is set to auto grow at 10%, unrestricted size
-There is plenty of harddrive space for the log to expand in (i.e. 100 mb log file on a 12 GB partition).
-One very long transaction is running and fills up the 100 mb log..
DBA 1 says that the transaction log will not expand because:
-Log File becomes so full it can't expand because there's no room for another transaction to allow it to expand
DBA 2 says this is not true. The Log file will expand ad nauseum until it runs out of Harddrive space.
Which one is correct? and why? Thanks bunches...
January 12, 2005 at 9:58 am
DBA 2 because of the setting for unrestricted growth. Only once all HD space is exausted will the Log file fail becuase the is nothing it can do at that point. (Hello rollback)
January 12, 2005 at 2:46 pm
Thanks Antares,
I'm DBA2, and I used that argument. DBA1 still didn't believe me. He says that once the log file is full, it's full, and you have to expand the file manually. Anyone have handy a nice test insert that'll continuously insert into a table as one transaction and cause a log file to fill up so he can run this on his test server?
January 12, 2005 at 3:05 pm
you can have something as simple as below.
create table test (column1 char(100))
declare @i int
set @i = 0
while @i < 1000000
insert into test values('a')
set @i = @i + 1
drop table test
January 12, 2005 at 3:05 pm
Change 'WHILE @Counter <= 10 ' + CHAR(13) +
to read as
'WHILE @Counter >= 1 ' + CHAR(13) +
and it should run forever.... until you "Kill" it.
CREATE TABLE #Fill( BogusText varchar(100))
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(2000)
SELECT @sql =
'DECLARE @Counter int ' + CHAR(13) +
'SELECT @Counter = 1 ' + CHAR(13) +
'WHILE @Counter <= 10 ' + CHAR(13) +
'BEGIN ' + CHAR(13) +
' BEGIN TRANSACTION "Bogus" ' + CHAR(13) +
' INSERT INTO #Fill SELECT ' + CHAR(39) + 'What a bogus thing to have to do...' + CHAR(39) + CHAR(13) +
' SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1 ' + CHAR(13) +
'END '
EXEC( @sql)
I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.
January 13, 2005 at 3:48 am
in a former company we occasionally encountered problems where the transaction log didn't expand automatically even though it was set to. This is the only time that i've ever had to grown them manually.
January 13, 2005 at 8:28 am
I would be in SERIOUS trouble if the autogrow didn't work and I had to expand my logs manually. I have my logs set to grow by 2000MB. And they GROW. My transaction log grows once a week. I NEVER manually expand it. There have been days my log has grown twice in a day.
Yes, it is possible to have a transaction or series of transactions happen so fast that the log has trouble growing. But that is due to it filling up faster than it can expand. The solution to that is to allow it to grow larger, but 10% will take care of that.
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