Log backup Intervals

  • Have got a client requirement where we need to find the logbackup intervals (Occurrence of the log backups (i.e. every 15, 30, 60 etc)) in all the databases across all the servers.

    Could anyone please help me with a script which can fetch the above detail? We have all the editions of SQL server under the support.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Check the schedule of the job which is running the task.

    Otherwise query msdb.dbo.backupset which will help contain the information you need.

  • Thanks for the reply Antony. But that will be a tedious task to go to the job and check the schedules for all the databases across many servers. Hence looking for a query which will ease the work.

  • Is the name of the job the same or the name of the schedule on each server? If so again query the job or schedule tables to get the information, otherwise it will be a look in backupset taking the difference of two backup start times.

  • Yes Antony. The name of the job remains same across all the servers

  • well, if thats the case then query msdb.dbo.sysjobs, link it to sysjobschedules then link that to sysschedules for the job id.

  • Thank you. Seems like I am heading in the correct direction with your help. I have now queried msdb.dbo.sysjobs. But how to link it with sysjobschedules then link that to sysschedules for the job id :(.. I am relatively a newbie to SQL server

  • If it's the number of servers you need to run this on that's the problem, then you have a couple of non pure SQL options as well (assuming they aren't all running as linked servers on one instance?).

    You'll need a SQL query as described above, but then to run it against all the servers you'll need to:

    Either register all of them in SSMS and use that functionality to run a query against all of them. (more info here - http://www.sqlmag.com/article/sql-server/registered-servers-142469)

    Or run to your scripting language of choice (probably powershell) and knock something up that will run the query against a list of servers (http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/database-administration/why-this-sql-server-dba-is-learning-powershell/ - for an overview of this option)

    blog | napalmgram@Twitter

    Training cats makes SQL Server look easy
  • Thanks Grasshopper. I am planning to register all the servers in SSMS but looking out for a query which does the same

  • Query the tables individually, then you should notice the common columns between the three tables

    Job_ID & Schedule_ID appear in 4 times, in different tables, this is the linking route between the three tables

    sysjobs.job_id to sysjobschedules.job_id

    sysjobschedules.schedule_id to sysscheduled.schedule_id

  • ranganathleo (9/27/2012)

    Thanks Grasshopper. I am planning to register all the servers in SSMS but looking out for a query which does the same

    Unforunately there's no way to query a remote sql server without adding it as a linked server. You can add them on the fly with:

    set @oserver='server1\instance'

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @oserver, @srvproduct=@oserver, @provider=N'SQLNCLI', @datasrc=@oserver

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=@oserver,@useself=N'True',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser=NULL,@rmtpassword=NULL

    If you mean you want to register them with SSMS through a query, then you'll have to write something that can output the XML format that SSMS uses for export/import of reg servers.

    blog | napalmgram@Twitter

    Training cats makes SQL Server look easy

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