"Locking" issues

  • We made a change to a database and users are reporting that "locking" now happens 3 -5 times daily. I'm new to this game.

    1. What tools would you suggest I use to monitor the situation to see what is happening and what is the source of the issue?

    2. If you think PerfMon is the way to go, what counters would you use?

    3. Does anyone have experience with Redgate SQL Response as it relates to lock determinaiton?



  • add the following startup parameters to your sql instance.

    This way you'll see in the sqlserver errorlog what statements are suffering

    the conflict(s).

    --dynamic activaton

    dbcc traceon(1204, 1222, 3605, -1)

    declare @MaxSQLArg varchar(50)

    declare @NewSQLArg varchar(50)

    declare @NewSeq int

    set @NewSeq = 0

    Declare @TraceFlag Nvarchar(50)

    create table #tmpRegValues (Value varchar(50), Data varchar(1000))

    create table #tmpNewRegValues (Value varchar(50), Data varchar(1000))

    insert into #tmpRegValues

    exec master..xp_instance_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters'

    -- Bepalen volgende SQLArg.

    select @MaxSQLArg = max(Value) from #tmpRegValues

    set @NewSeq = convert(integer, substring(@MaxSQLArg,7,len(@MaxSQLArg)))

    if @@version like '%SQL Server 2005%'


    set @TraceFlag = '-T1222' -- More detailed deadlock info

    if not exists (select * from #tmpRegValues where Data =@TraceFlag)


    print @TraceFlag + ' toevoegen'

    --Bepalen volgende SQLArg.

    select @MaxSQLArg = max(Value) from #tmpRegValues

    -- set @NewSeq = convert(integer, substring(@MaxSQLArg,7,len(@MaxSQLArg)))

    set @NewSeq = @NewSeq + 1

    set @NewSQLArg = substring(@MaxSQLArg,1,6) + convert(varchar(5),@NewSeq)

    print @NewSQLArg

    exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', @NewSQLArg, N'REG_SZ', @TraceFlag

    -- voorbeeldje exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SQLArg3', N'REG_SZ', N'-T1222'




    print @TraceFlag + ' Already Installed'





    Set @TraceFlag = '-T1204' -- print deadlock info

    if not exists (select * from #tmpRegValues where Data =@TraceFlag)


    print @TraceFlag + ' toevoegen'

    set @NewSeq = @NewSeq + 1

    set @NewSQLArg = substring(@MaxSQLArg,1,6) + convert(varchar(5),@NewSeq)

    print @NewSQLArg

    exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', @NewSQLArg, N'REG_SZ', @TraceFlag

    -- voorbeeldje exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SQLArg3', N'REG_SZ', N'-T1204'




    print @TraceFlag + ' Already Installed'



    set @TraceFlag = '-T3605' -- write deadlock info to SQLServerSystemLog

    if not exists (select * from #tmpRegValues where Data =@TraceFlag )


    print @TraceFlag + ' toevoegen'

    -- if @NewSeq = 0

    -- begin

    -- --Bepalen volgende SQLArg.

    -- --select @MaxSQLArg = max(Value) from #tmpRegValues

    -- set @NewSeq = convert(integer, substring(@MaxSQLArg,7,len(@MaxSQLArg)))

    -- end

    set @NewSeq = @NewSeq + 1

    set @NewSQLArg = substring(@MaxSQLArg,1,6) + convert(varchar(5),@NewSeq)

    print @NewSQLArg

    exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', @NewSQLArg, N'REG_SZ', @TraceFlag

    -- voorbeeldje exec xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SQLArg4', N'REG_SZ', N'-T3605'




    print @TraceFlag + ' Already Installed'


    if @NewSeq > 0


    Print 'Oude waarden'

    select * from #tmpRegValues

    -- selecteren en tonen nieuwe waarden

    insert into #tmpNewRegValues

    exec master..xp_instance_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters'

    Print 'Nieuwe waarden'

    select * from #tmpNewRegValues


    drop table #tmpRegValues

    drop table #tmpNewRegValues

    --dynamic activation

    -- dbcc traceon(1204, 1222, 3605, -1)


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  • Can you ask the users what exactly they mean by 'locking'?

    dbcc traceon(1204, 1222, 3605, -1)

    3605 isn't required for deadlock graphs. Personally I find 1204 to be unnecessary if 1222 is on. 1222 contains all the info that 1204 does and a lot more.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • What change to the database ?? That might help direct the responses.

  • >> Can you ask the users what exactly they mean by 'locking'?

    From the user's perspective their application appears to stop functioning until we use sp_who2 to find the user causing the block and ask that user to close the open app.


  • GilaMonster (11/6/2008)

    Can you ask the users what exactly they mean by 'locking'?

    dbcc traceon(1204, 1222, 3605, -1)

    3605 isn't required for deadlock graphs. Personally I find 1204 to be unnecessary if 1222 is on. 1222 contains all the info that 1204 does and a lot more.

    Oh indeed, copy / paste has its down sides. :blush:

    As you will have seen, in the script, I check sqlversion and only install 1204 or 1222.


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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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    That's one heck of a script. Can you give me an idea of what it is doing? When I run it from Query Editor it shows the sql startup parameters and, I gather, populates the sql server log file with info about any locking happening on the server at thetime the script is run. Is that correct?



  • the scripts just checks if these startup parameters exist for your sqlserver instance,

    and adds them if needed.

    This way, the deadlock notifications in the sqlserver errorlog are always logged, even if the instance has been restarted.


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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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  • Barkingdog (11/6/2008)

    From the user's perspective their application appears to stop functioning until we use sp_who2 to find the user causing the block and ask that user to close the open app.

    Sounds like you may have transactions remaining open. To resolve this, you need to find out what the blocking transactions are running and see what they're doing. See if you can spot long running or uncommitted transactions.

    To see what the blocking and blocked transactions are running you can use this.

    SELECT er.session_id, wait_type, wait_time, host_name, program_name, original_login_name, er.reads, er.writes, er.cpu_time, blocking_session_id, st.text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests er

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions es on er.session_id = es.session_id

    OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) st

    where blocking_session_id > 0


    SELECT er.session_id, wait_type, wait_time, host_name, program_name, original_login_name, er.reads, er.writes, er.cpu_time, blocking_session_id, st.text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests er

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions es on er.session_id = es.session_id

    OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) st

    where er.session_id in (select blocking_session_id from sys.dm_exec_requests where blocking_session_id > 0)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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