Lock tracing help.

  • Good morning everyone.


    Well I have a real issues with and application running on SQL Server 2000. The database is on a Windows 2000 clustered server. There are about ten client servers that populate and read the database.  With out getting into details let me say that this system is used to track and issue support calls 24 hours a day. The database is only 1.5 GB. Lots of reads and the writes, but usually just updates.  Oh yes 2 CPU and 4 GB ram.

    Problem: A couple of times a week at random times the entire system seems to slow down. Last week I was able to see some locks that were really slowing down the system. I was unable to get all of the lock information before it released. What I need is a way to capture (where is is comming from, what is the statement, ect.) when ever a lock runs over 15 seconds. I have been poking around and I was hoping someone had something to help so I would not have to reinvent the wheel.

    Transactions in this system are very heavy so using profiler can get very large.

    Any tips would he helpful.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • if you'd like to send me a private message I'll send you some stuff to help -- too long to post

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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