Lock Request Timeout exceeded

  • I get an error 'lock request time out exceeded' when a select query is run.

    I know when this error will come. Some transaction should be locking the table.

    But I need to know how to find that.

    Please note that I cannot check it live when it is getting locked. It is like it happened in the past but I need to know what was the other transaction/query that was blocking it that time.

    Simply put I want these events to be logged in sql error logs when this happens so that I can see later and find who was the long running query blocking it.

    Any idea how to get it logged.

    I tried to set the trace flags and check.

    DBCC TRACEON (1204,1222,-1)

    But I couldn't find anything logged related to this.

    Thanks in advance.

  • see if this helps you;


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