Locating the sourcefiles in metadata from DTS packages.

  • Hello All,


    I am looking for help on finding the sourcefile names that are utilized by my DTS packages.  The msdb.sysdtspackages table only contains create date and package name among other items I dont need.  It would be nice to have the filenames to avoid from having to open each package to locate which file is being used to import data into my tables.  I thought there may have been a db location where all the disconnected edit info is located.  Perhaps some VB calls to the object repository?

    could that info be compressed into the package image?  if so, how can I extract it out?


  • I believe the data for the DTS package is stored in the sysdtspackages table in the Binary field packagedata.  You would have to pull the data out of this field to get the information used in the package I believe.

  • How can the Binary field packagedata be extracted?  Does Microsoft document such a thing?

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