locate BUG in function condition symmetrical equal

  • need help locate BUG in function condition !

    this my function and i have sum problem in it

    this is the condition !



    when wday=6 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-1 and d.empid=r.empid)=2 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)<>2 then 2

    when wday=6 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-1 and d.empid=r.empid)=3 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)<>3 then 3


    when wday=7 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)=2 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-3 and d.empid=r.empid)<>2 then 2

    when wday=7 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)=3 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-3 and d.empid=r.empid)<>3 then 3

    else shiftType end as newShifType

    from rs r


    the problem

    it not symmetrical equal the shift

    in this condition evry employee get (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5)

    now if the "condition of Thursday" on value =2

    do this (1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5)

    give less "3"

    it must do this



    if the "condition of Thursday" on value =3

    do this (1,1,2,2,3,3,3,5) no 4 it subtract 4

    it must do this


    for example if the employee don't get the value 4

    4= rest at home - after 3 shift night he need to rest

    the all function

    alter function shifts (@mth tinyint,@yr smallint)

    returns table




    with ptrn as


    select 1 as shiftType, 1 as prn

    union all

    select 1 ,2

    union all

    select 2,3

    union all

    select 2,4

    union all

    select 3,5

    union all

    select 3,6

    union all

    select 4,7

    union all

    select 5,8


    emp as (



    f.date as basedate,

    datepart(dw,f.date ) as wday,

    row_number() over (partition by empid order by f.date ) as rn,

    unit = (DATEDIFF(MONTH, e.unit_date, f.[DATE])% 4) + 1

    from empbase e ,[dbo].[F_TABLE_DATE](dateadd(m,@mth-1,dateadd(yy,@yr-1900,0)),dateadd(m,@mth,dateadd(yy,@yr-1900,0))) f

    where f.DATE >= dateadd(m,@mth-1,dateadd(yy,@yr-1900,0))

    and f.DATE < dateadd(m,@mth,dateadd(yy,@yr-1900,0))


    emp_r as (

    select empid,basedate,wday ,rn,unit,

    row_number() over (partition by empid,((rn-1)/8) order by basedate) as rnd

    from emp


    rs as (

    select *

    from emp_r e

    inner join ptrn p

    on e.rnd=p.prn)

    select *,



    when wday=6 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-1 and d.empid=r.empid)=2 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)<>2 then 2

    when wday=6 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-1 and d.empid=r.empid)=3 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)<>3 then 3


    when wday=7 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)=2 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-3 and d.empid=r.empid)<>2 then 2

    when wday=7 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-2 and d.empid=r.empid)=3 and (select shiftType from rs d where d.rn=r.rn-3 and d.empid=r.empid)<>3 then 3

    else shiftType end as newShifType

    from rs r



  • Have you considered using a calendar table? See this article for a few ideas:


    For a better answer, please, describe your requirements in more detail (in business terms - tell us *what* you want, not *how* you want it done).


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

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