July 14, 2003 at 9:54 am
What I'm trying to do is locate an information on another table and update the temporary table, not sure if this is the correct way, my code is
DECLARE @areacode char(15)
SELECT rtrim(area_code) FROM billable_temp
Open csrSites
FETCH NEXT FROM csrSites INTO @areacode
SELECT DISTINCT areacode, CASE WHEN (SELECT DISTINCT areacode FROM rates1 where areacode = @areacode) IS NULL THEN 'No data ' ELSE areacode END AS areacode
FROM rates1
where areacode = @areacode
July 14, 2003 at 11:42 am
Depends an awful lot on how the updates will take place. If there needs to be specific processing for each row, the CURSOR will work. If you can get away with changing a lot of records at once, the performance is better (unless there are so many that it locks your table).
Care to supply the update statement as well?
July 14, 2003 at 12:01 pm
well , it's not working at all, i'm trying this: and it takes too long, don't know any idea???
declare @areadesc char(50)
SELECT area_code FROM billable_temp
select @count=(select count(*) from billable_temp)
Open csrSites
FETCH NEXT FROM csrSites INTO @areacode
WHILE @count > 0
select @areadesc=(select distinct areadesc from rates1 where areacode=@areacode)
select @count = @count -1
update billable_temp set country = @areadesc
CLOSE csrSites
deallocate csrSites
July 14, 2003 at 12:16 pm
It appears that there are some conditions missing. For example, the update billable_temp statement does not restrict the entries to a specific area code.
Would it work for you to do something like this?
UPDATE billable_temp SET country = areadesc
FROM rates1 WHERE billable_temp.area_code = r1.areacode
You could then avoid the cursor and update everything in a single statement.
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