Localsyatem account for logshipping

  • I am doing log shipping on same machine between two instances using Localsystem account for sql agent service on windows server2008 R2 and I am able to connect to secondary server.It does not give any error.But if I try to do it through administrator as sql server agent service it works fine.can anyone explain???

  • sej2008 (9/27/2014)

    I am doing log shipping on same machine between two instances using Localsystem account for sql agent service on windows server2008 R2

    OK got this so far

    sej2008 (9/27/2014)

    and I am able to connect to secondary server.

    You need to throw a dog a bone here for us to help you, so,

    • Do you mean unable to connect?
    • Are you using the GUI to setup logshipping?
    • how far have you got through the setup process, have you setup the primary part successfully?
    • Have you checked the sql srever logs on both instances?
    • have you setup the file share and NTFS ACLs correctly?

    sej2008 (9/27/2014)

    It does not give any error.But if I try to do it through administrator as sql server agent service it works fine.can anyone explain???

    Check the logs thoroughly, if the agent jobs have been created check the output history for each step carefully.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • yes I have given administrator the permission to access my shared folder on primary server.it does not give any specific sql error.But says can not connect to secondary server.My primary backup job and copy job works fine but restoration does not work.

    When I tried to work on administrator account for sql server agent,it worked perfectly fine.why I am not able to do logshipping using localsystem account on same machine across instances?As this was possible to do it on windows server 2003 in sql 2008.

    is there any change how localsystem behaves?

  • sej2008 (10/1/2014)

    yes I have given administrator the permission to access my shared folder on primary server.

    The administrator has nothing to do with it, when a service runs as local system it acts as the computer account on the network 😉

    sej2008 (10/1/2014)

    it does not give any specific sql error.But says can not connect to secondary server.My primary backup job and copy job works fine but restoration does not work.

    The only job on the primary is the backup job, the copy and restore run on the secondary!!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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