Locale ID and Unicode problems

  • Hi,

    I have inherited a SQL Server that now requires one of the databases to be moved from it to a new server. The problem is that this process really needs to be done using a backup & restore*, when I try to restore it to the new server I'm getting the annoying message that the LocaleID and\or Unicode is different. I never installed the source server so how can I find out the locale\unicode it uses and then set-up or re-install the destination server to use the same?

    * DTS is exceptionally slow on the database and it also dislikes some of the data so fails before completion.

    Thanks for any help,


  • Try this, should help


    SELECT 'Language' AS Property, CAST([name] AS VARCHAR(100)) AS [Name], alias AS [Description] FROM syslanguages WHERE langid = (SELECT value from sysconfigures WHERE config = 124)


    --Sort Order

    select 'Sort Order ID', CAST([name] AS VARCHAR(100)), description from syscharsets WHERE [id] = (SELECT value FROM sysconfigures WHERE config = 1123)


    --Unicode Collation


    'Unicode Collation',



    WHEN 1033 THEN 'General Unicode'

    WHEN 33280 THEN 'Binary Order'

    WHEN 1027 THEN 'Catalan'

    WHEN 197636 THEN 'Chinese Bopomofo (Taiwan Region)'

    WHEN 2052 THEN 'Chinese Punctuation'

    WHEN 133124 THEN 'Chinese Stroke Count'

    WHEN 1028 THEN 'Chinese Stroke Count (Taiwan Region)'

    WHEN 1050 THEN 'Croatian'

    WHEN 1029 THEN 'Czech'

    WHEN 1043 THEN 'Dutch'

    WHEN 1061 THEN 'Estonian'

    WHEN 1036 THEN 'French'

    WHEN 66615 THEN 'Georgian Modern'

    WHEN 1031 THEN 'German'

    WHEN 66567 THEN 'German Phone Book'

    WHEN 1038 THEN 'Hungarian'

    WHEN 66574 THEN 'Hungarian Technical'

    WHEN 1039 THEN 'Icelandic'

    WHEN 1040 THEN 'Italian'

    WHEN 1041 THEN 'Japanese'

    WHEN 66577 THEN 'Japanese Unicode'

    WHEN 1042 THEN 'Korean'

    WHEN 66578 THEN 'Korean Unicode'

    WHEN 1062 THEN 'Latvian'

    WHEN 1063 THEN 'Lithuanian'

    WHEN 1071 THEN 'Macedonian'

    WHEN 1044 THEN 'Norwegian/Danish'

    WHEN 1045 THEN 'Polish'

    WHEN 1046 THEN 'Portuguese'

    WHEN 1048 THEN 'Romanian'

    WHEN 1051 THEN 'Slovak'

    WHEN 1060 THEN 'Slovenian'

    WHEN 1034 THEN 'Spanish Traditional'

    WHEN 3082 THEN 'Spanish Modern'

    WHEN 1053 THEN 'Swedish/Finnish'

    WHEN 1054 THEN 'Thai'

    WHEN 2057 THEN 'UK English'

    WHEN 1058 THEN 'Ukrainian'

    WHEN 1066 THEN 'Vietnamese'





    config = 1124

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Many thanks Antares686, I'd buy you a beer if I could tear myself away from this upgrade!


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