local variable - any limitations of max characters?

  • Hi,

    I am trying the following:

    Declare @test-2 varchar(8000)

    Set @test-2='SELECT VIOXX_LastName + '' + VIOXX_FirstName + ''  + CONVERT(varchar(50), VIOXX_Number) AS PlaintiffsName, VIOXX_Number

    FROM tblPlaintiff WHERE     VIOXX_Number NOT IN(SELECT     VIOXX_Number FROM          tblCase_Plaintiff)  OR

    VIOXX_Number  IN (SELECT     tblCase_Plaintiff.VIOXX_Number FROM tblCase INNER JOIN tblCase_Plaintiff ON tblCase.Case_Number = tblCase_Plaintiff.Case_Number

          WHERE      (tblCase.Status = ''InActive'')) ORDER BY VIOXX_Number, VIOXX_LastName'

    When I exec the following:

    Select  @test-2

    I got the following result:

    SELECT VIOXX_LastName + ' + VIOXX_FirstName + '  + CONVERT(varchar(50), VIOXX_Number) AS PlaintiffsName, VIOXX_Number

    FROM tblPlaintiff WHERE     VIOXX_Number NOT IN(SELECT     VIOXX_Number FROM          tblCase_Plaintiff)  OR

    VIOXX_Number  IN (SELECT

    Any ideas? Any limitations on the number of characters for a local variable in TSQL?


    Thanks in advance.

  • That 8000 characters includes white space and some white space characters can break your SQL.

    The only problems I have had are when unicode text (which takes twice as much space) gets truncated.


  • The problem is not with the white space. I did a 'Select len(@Test)' and I got 434, which is not even 10 percent of the 8000 characters.

  • Query Analyzer --> Tools --> Options --> Results --> Maximum Characters per Column.


    It's probably correct, it's just truncating the 1 colimn result at 256 Characters !!!!!!


  • use

    print @test-2

    rather than

    select @test-2

    so that you do not have to concern yourself with the maximum column limit set within the Query Analyzer Results option.


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