Local temporary tables within triggers, from a DSN connection - help!

  • Can anyone enlighten me about the following?

    I have an Access database containing a linked table which is located on SQL Server (2000). About ten people use this Access DB.

    An append query in Access throws data into this table. Anyone could run this query at any time.

    A trigger on the SQL table performs various business rules, gathering info from other tables and reformatting it before updating further tables downstream.

    Without going into too much detail, I want to create a local temp table within the trigger, so that downstream updates are performed in a certain way.  I know that temp tables are "local" to the connection that creates them.  My question is; if more than one person runs the Access append query at once, will the DSN connection be seen by SQL as one connection (therefore "sharing" the local table and causing problems), or will each user's request create separate connections as far as the local temp tables are concerned?

    Cheers for any advice.

  • local variable's boundary is batch. It does not matter the calls shares the same connection or not if the calls are not from the same batch.

    In client side, if you donot control transaction explicitly, the default trasaction mode for most db connectivity is "auto commit", which makes each call as a batch.


  • additionally, even though two connections might create a temp table witht he same name, #temp, they are actually stored as two different sysobjects in the tempdb database;

    here's an example for query analyzer if you want to see it in action. run the same script from two different windows and you will see each temp table.

    set nocount on

    select name from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U'

    select top 5 *

    into #temp

    from sysobjects

    select name from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U'








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  • Thanks for that - answered my question and very informative, cheers.

    Out of interest though, when you say "it doesnt matter if two calls use the same connection if they are not from the same batch", then why does query analyser complain if you create a temp table and dont delete it, then run the same code again (it says there is already an object in the database named etcetc..)?   I always assumed that it was because you were using the same connection and hence the temp table wasnt being dropped. Surely each "run" is a separate batch though? Or doesnt QA work in the same way?





  • What I said is local variables (including table variable @TableName). As for local temporary table (#Table), if you define the local temporary table inside a trigger, the scope of the table is the trigger. Whenever the trigger is executed, it creates the table and drops it in the end of the trigger automatically.


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