Local ===> Domain User Account

  • I am a little green when it comes to SQL server administration and need some advice.

    I created an instance of sql server last year using just a Local account (administrator) as I was doing everything locally on that machine.

    I now have the task of doing some sql jobs that will DTS between this machine, say 001 and another say 002.

    I have created a domain account called flex_sql on 001 and login to machine under this account. flex_sql is an administrator on 001.

    The job works but not when scheduled. I am pretty sure I need to do these to things:

    1) Change to Start Up Service Account to start up under flex_sql. It is currently starting up under .\Administrator.

    2) Change SQL Server Agent to Start up also under flex_sql.

    * I am nervous to change these start up services accounts as I do not remember off hand setting up a password for .\Administrator. I am worried I could get locked out of the system.

    + Am I going down the right road with my actions?

    + Could I possibly get locked out of my machine?

    Much thanks in advance.

  • quote:

    I have created a domain account called flex_sql on 001 and login to machine under this account. flex_sql is an administrator on 001.

    Domain account has to be created in your domain server. If you create it in your server 001, it will still be local account.


    * I am nervous to change these start up services accounts as I do not remember off hand setting up a password for .\Administrator. I am worried I could get locked out of the system.

    Setup SQL Server to run in Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication) and have your 'sa' password remembered. There is no password in SQL Server for .\Administrator because it is a local account running on Windows Authentication.


    + Am I going down the right road with my actions?

    Yes, you are. Make sure domain account flex_sql has sufficient permissions to access resources in server 002.


    + Could I possibly get locked out of my machine?

    Change the startup account shouldn't cause you be locked out. With 'sa' on hand, you always can get into SQL Server.

  • Thank you!

    Makes sense.

    We do not have a Domain Server so I guess i am forced to use Local System Account flex_sql.

    Good point about 002. It is a 3rd party web service we use, not sure how I will work it out with them.

    Thank you

  • quote:

    We do not have a Domain Server so I guess i am forced to use Local System Account flex_sql.

    It is no necessary to change the server startup accout to flex_sql if you don't have domain account.

  • If your servers are not part of a domain, you might need to create the same account on both of them. That way, loging in to the remote computer is done transparently.


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