Loading XML file with Multiple element

  • Hi,

    I am new in SSIS and XML.I am trying to load an XML file into SQL server tables using SSIS. Below is the the code for my XML file.

    1) In data flow i am using XML source and OLEDB destination.

    2) when I am draging the arrow from XML source to OLEDB destination,,its showing me 6 tables. but from that I need just 2 tables. Agent and Address.

    3) Now when I execute the package,,In the Agent table its giving meAgent_Id column and its value is 1.

    i am not getting it that how that column comes from becz in the XML file i am not seeing it.

    4) I want to create relationship between the two tables(Agent and Address).

    5) I need Agent_Id column as an identity column and I need the same Identity column(Agent_Id) in the Address table.

    Is the any way that I can achive it using SSIS?

    Below is my XML file.

  • file is missing. can you send xml file.

  • --Create Parent Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Parent]


    [Parent_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    --Create Child Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Child]


    [Child_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [Parent_ID] int references Parent(Parent_ID),

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    --Create KidTable

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Kid]


    [Kid_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [Child_ID] int references Child(Child_ID),

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    DECLARE @hDoc int

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,

    '<Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>13-05-2010 13:22:41</UpdateDateTime>


    <Child InternalID="4926250" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406436" Action="Insert">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406437" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>




    <Child InternalID="4926251" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406438" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>






    -----Insert into Parent Table

    Insert into Parent

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))


    Declare @Parent_ID INT

    SELECT @Parent_ID = @@IDENTITY


    --Insert into Child table

    Insert into Child

    select @Parent_ID,*

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent/Childs/Child',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))

    declare @Child_ID int

    select @Child_ID = @@identity

    --Insert into Request table

    Insert into Kid

    select @Child_ID,*

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent/Childs/Child/Kids/Kid',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))


    select * from Parent

    select * from Child

    select * from Kid

    I am trying to load the XML data into SQL server table.

    Below is the structure for my table I have Identity column in each table and I want to pass that Identity value to the subnode. But when I am trying to load the third level(Kid table) , I am just getting the last Identity value from the Child Table into the Kid table.

    I need Child_ID 1 for InsertUserID(Kid1,Kid2) and Child_ID 2 for InsertUserID(Kid3) in the Child Table.

    Is there any way that i can get the populate the one row in Child table and get the identity of that and populate the Kid table associate with that Child_ID , and again same for the second row in the Child table.

    ---Below is the Expected result for the Kid Table

    Kid_ID Child_ID InternalID Action InsertUserID InsertDateTime UpdateUserID

    1 1 3406436 Insert Kid1 02-20-2008 CATS

    2 1 3406437 Update KId2 02-20-2008 CATS

    3 2 3406438 None Kid3 02-20-2008 CATS

    --But I am getting the thisChild_ID 2 for all the records in Kid Table)

    Kid_ID Child_ID InternalID Action InsertUserID InsertDateTime UpdateUserID

    1 2 3406436 Insert Kid1 02-20-2008 CATS

    2 2 3406437 Update KId2 02-20-2008 CATS

    3 2 3406438 None Kid3 02-20-2008 CATS

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