Load the data for dynamic columns

  • Hi

    I have a table which stores the customer information.

    tableCustomer (Customerid int,Companyid int,Fname Varchar(60) null ,Lastname Varchar(60) null ,MName Varchar(5) null ,Dob datetime.......crdate datetime,isactive bit )

    I will be getting a file from different clients with different type of ways for eg

    ClientA will give Customerid,Companyid,Fname,lName,MName... isactive

    ClientB will give Customerid,Companyid,Fname,lName,........ isactive

    here ClientB will not be giving Mname

    What i have to do is i have to take that client file from the path and i have to insert the datas into tableCustomer it is done either by SSIS or by job or by some other possible way (still not decided) This is one case there might be some cases where client will not give all the datas.how to over come this




  • Hello,

    I had a similar situation. I used a SSIS package with a VB component script that did the job.

    Below is the code. But in order to work, your files should have a header line with the name of the columns.

    The input of the component script is only one field (a buffer) holding each record of the input file. The output are the individual fields. The component script splits the buffer into each fields.

    Not sure if this suits your needs but here is the code.

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Inherits UserComponent

    Dim header_line_flag As Boolean = True

    Dim idx_customerid As Integer = 0

    Dim idx_companyid As Integer = 0

    Dim idx_fname As Integer = 0

    Dim idx_iname As Integer = 0

    Dim idx_mname As Integer = 0

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)


    Dim line As String

    Dim cols As String() = Nothing

    Dim c As String

    Dim idx_col As Integer = 0

    line = Row.Col0

    cols = line.Split(",")

    If header_line_flag Then

    Header_line_flag = False

    For Each c In cols

    idx_col = idx_col + 1

    Select Case c

    Case "Customerid"

    idx_customerid = idx_col

    Case "Companyid"

    idx_companyid= idx_col

    Case "Fname"

    idx_fname = idx_col

    Case "lName"

    idx_iname = idx_col

    Case "MName"

    idx_mname = idx_col

    Case Else

    MsgBox("col " + c + " not found")

    End Select



    For Each c In cols

    idx_col = idx_col + 1

    Select Case idx_col

    Case idx_CustomerId

    Row.OutCustomerId = c

    Case idx_CompanyId

    Row.OutCompanyId = c

    Case idx_Fname

    Row.OutFname = c

    Case idx_IName

    Row.OutIName = c

    Case idx_MName

    Row.MName = c

    End Select


    End If

    End Sub



  • Hi

    Thanks for your response but i need in pure SQL/SSIS not in vb code.




  • is this a problem for you to add a component script into your SSIS flow ? That's the way it is setup in my instance.


  • lcohen-831390 (10/8/2010)

    is this a problem for you to add a component script into your SSIS flow ? That's the way it is setup in my instance.


    My aim to just to insert data to my table in the form of sql .if it is vb code,i dont know vb 😛 even if i get error i dont know to handle, thats why i dont want to go with vb code.it would be better in T-sql or in ssis. i think you got my point :smooooth:




  • hi

    Any one got the solution for the above it is urgent i am wating to do this. still now not able to start my work :w00t::w00t::w00t:


  • so u dont want to insert that record from client B rite?

  • kevin4u06 (10/8/2010)

    so u dont want to insert that record from client B rite?


    Not for ClientB alone ClientA,ClientC... and so on all the clients can not have same fields some fields may come for ClientA and not for B and C.

    it can be said as dynamic input but static table :-D:-D:-D:-D.




  • it will be my last try... I adapted my ssis vb component script to T-SQL.

    This requires two T-SQL functions that I also give you in case you don't have them : one to split a line into columns based on a delimiter, the other to read from a flat file.

    the way I understood your specs is that your customers give you some input file but the files they give you might not contain all the columns.

    The code I provide will only work if the first record in each file contain column headers. I hope this is the case.

    The beauty of this code is that the columns could be in any order in the input file, it always put them in the order they need to be in your destination table


    -- The code of the main T-SQL program


    set NOCOUNT ON

    -- Buffer for each line from the input file

    -- set the max length appropriately

    Declare @LineBuffer varchar(1000)

    -- Buffer for each column in each line

    -- set the max length appropriately

    Declare @Col as varchar(200)

    -- Variables to hold the column name position in the file

    Declare @idx_Customerid int

    Declare @idx_Companyid Int

    Declare @idx_fname Int

    Declare @idx_iname Int

    Declare @idx_mname Int

    -- Variables to hold output columns

    -- set the max length appropriately

    Declare @Out_CustomerID varchar(50)

    Declare @Out_CompanyId varchar(50)

    Declare @Out_FName varchar(100)

    Declare @Out_IName varchar(100)

    Declare @Out_MName varchar(100)

    -- work variables

    Declare @idx_col int

    Declare @HeaderFlag bit

    Set @HeaderFlag = 1

    -- read the input file and store the line into the buffer

    Declare CustomerFileCursor CURSOR FOR

    Select line from


    open CustomerFileCursor

    fetch next from CustomerFileCursor

    into @LineBuffer

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    set @idx_col = 0

    set @Out_CustomerId = ''

    set @Out_CompanyId = ''

    set @Out_FName = ''

    set @Out_IName = ''

    set @Out_MName = ''

    -- processing the header line, we identify the position of each column

    if @headerFlag=1


    set @headerFlag=0

    -- split the header columns value delimited by ','

    Declare ColCursor CURSOR for

    Select ReturnString from


    Open ColCursor

    fetch next from ColCursor

    into @Col

    -- browse the header column values

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    set @idx_col = @idx_col + 1

    if @col='CustomerId' set @idx_Customerid=@idx_Col

    if @col='CompanyId' set @idx_CompanyId=@idx_Col

    if @col='FName' set @idx_FName=@idx_Col

    if @col='IName' set @idx_IName=@idx_Col

    if @col='MName' set @idx_MName=@idx_Col

    -- add other header columns here

    fetch next from ColCursor

    into @Col



    -- processing the data line, we identify the position of each data column



    Declare ColCursor CURSOR for

    Select ReturnString from


    Open ColCursor

    fetch next from ColCursor

    into @Col

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    set @idx_col = @idx_col + 1

    if @idx_col=@idx_CustomerId set @Out_CustomerId=@Col

    if @idx_col=@idx_CompanyId set @Out_CompanyId=@Col

    if @idx_col= @idx_FName set @Out_FName=@Col

    if @idx_col=@idx_IName set @Out_IName=@Col

    if @idx_col=@idx_MName set @Out_MName=@Col

    -- add other data columns here ..

    fetch next from ColCursor

    into @Col


    insert into dbo.tmp_customer_table






    select @out_CustomerId






    -- close the column cursor to prepare for the split of next line

    close ColCursor

    deallocate ColCursor

    fetch next from CustomerFileCursor

    into @LineBuffer


    -- clean-up the customer file cursor

    close CustomerFileCursor

    deallocate CustomerFileCursor

    -- END OF T-SQL Program


    ---- The code of the split function


    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[uftSplitString]


    @String VARCHAR(1000),

    @Delim Char(1)



    @SplitTable TABLE


    ReturnString varchar(500)

    ) as


    declare @pos int

    declare @piece varchar(500)

    -- Need to tack a delimiter onto the end of the input string if one doesn''t exist

    if right(rtrim(@string),1) <> @Delim

    set @string = @string + @Delim

    set @pos = patindex('%'+@Delim+'%' , @string)

    while @pos <> 0


    set @piece = left(@string, @pos - 1)

    -- You have a piece of data, so insert it, print it, do whatever you want to with it.

    insert into @SplitTable(ReturnString) select @piece

    set @string = stuff(@string, 1, @pos, '')

    set @pos = patindex('%'+@Delim+'%' , @string)





    --- The code for the read from file


    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[uftReadfileAsTable]


    @Path VARCHAR(255),

    @Filename VARCHAR(100)



    @File TABLE


    [LineNo] int identity(1,1),

    line varchar(8000))



    DECLARE @objFileSystem int

    ,@objTextStream int,

    @objErrorObject int,

    @strErrorMessage Varchar(1000),

    @Command varchar(1000),

    @hr int,

    @String VARCHAR(8000),

    @YesOrNo INT

    select @strErrorMessage='opening the File System Object'

    EXECUTE @hr = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' , @objFileSystem OUT

    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objFileSystem, @strErrorMessage='Opening file "'+@path+'\'+@filename+'"',@command=@path+'\'+@filename

    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod @objFileSystem , 'OpenTextFile'

    , @objTextStream OUT, @command,1,false,0--for reading, FormatASCII

    WHILE @hr=0


    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream,

    @strErrorMessage='finding out if there is more to read in "'+@filename+'"'

    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objTextStream, 'AtEndOfStream', @YesOrNo OUTPUT

    IF @YesOrNo<>0 break

    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream,

    @strErrorMessage='reading from the output file "'+@filename+'"'

    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod @objTextStream, 'Readline', @String OUTPUT

    INSERT INTO @file(line) SELECT @String


    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream,

    @strErrorMessage='closing the output file "'+@filename+'"'

    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod @objTextStream, 'Close'

    if @hr<>0



    @Source varchar(255),

    @Description Varchar(255),

    @Helpfile Varchar(255),

    @HelpID int

    EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objErrorObject,

    @source output,@Description output,@Helpfile output,@HelpID output

    Select @strErrorMessage='Error whilst '

    +coalesce(@strErrorMessage,'doing something')

    +', '+coalesce(@Description,'')

    insert into @File(line) select @strErrorMessage


    EXECUTE sp_OADestroy @objTextStream

    -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set




  • Hi Parti,

    My best suggestion in that case just use the import/expoert wizard f you are using sql 2005 and above.

    Select the file path --> map columns--> check datatypes-->finish

    Go simple!

    I think it is helpful.

    or load table to temp table


    Update tablename

    Set A.column1=temp.column1



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