load textfile with fixed record lenght and no delimmiters

  • hello guys

    i want to import a big text file with a fixed record length(288) to tables.i need to read a record and check it then call a store procedure for convert some fields to import 1 table for some condition and if that condition not true import in another table.i do not want to use ssis package.please help me thnks

  • eatemadnia.f (7/1/2012)

    hello guys

    i want to import a big text file with a fixed record length(288) to tables.i need to read a record and check it then call a store procedure for convert some fields to import 1 table for some condition and if that condition not true import in another table.i do not want to use ssis package.please help me thnks

    Is it a one-time activity and how many records are there in the file ?

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  • Off the top of my head (not a lot of info to go on) create a temp / staging table then bcp / bulk insert the file and use substring to split the data out to the relevant table after that.

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