Litspeed Backup Job Output file is not recording all the info

  • I'm using Litespeed to backup a SQL 7 Standard Database. I have an output file setup. As of a few days ago, the output file seems to be less verbose and I'm not sure why.

    It used to look as follows:

    Job 'DBA_HRProd_LiteSpeed_Backup_All_Databases' : Step 1, 'LiteSpeed_Backup_Server_User_Databases' : Began Executing 16/09/2005 8:00:01 PM

    SQL LiteSpeed Version Copyright (C) 2004, Imceda Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Name: MD Management Processed 289056 pages for database 'databasename', file 'databasename_Data' on file 1. Processed 1 pages for database 'databasename', file 'databasename_Log' on file 1. Backup or restore operation successfully processed 289057 pages in 91.885 seconds (25.770 MB/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Now, it seems to leave out the middle part and just records the following in the output file:

    Job 'DBA_HRProd_LiteSpeed_Backup_All_Databases' : Step 1, 'LiteSpeed_Backup_HRProd_User_Databases' : Began Executing 20/09/2005 8:00:00 PM

    SQL LiteSpeed Version Copyright (C) 2004, Imceda Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered Name: MD Management [SQLSTATE 01000]


    The backup is still successful, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas why the job output suddenly isn't recording the extra info ??




  • Strange. No patches or option changes? Have you contacted Litespeed? We're running 3.0 here, so not sure if there's something in the version change.

  • I can't pinpoint any changes on the server. At least, no one is owning up to anything. I've placed a support call with Litespeed as well.

  • I've had a few "ODD" things happen with that release. I just installed version and it seems to be more stable. You may want to install the latest release and see if this resolves your issue.

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