Listing of tables using extended properties

  • How can I extract a list of tables from a database that have specific values in an extended property, e.g., I am thinking about creating an extended property for the type of table (i.e, lookup, summary, etc) and then I would like to be able to easily identify all of the tables that are of a certain type.



  • How abut this for a starting point:

    Dynamic TSQL for extended properties

    Select * from ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, 'user', 'dbo' ,'table', 'agents','column',Default)

    Hopes this helps 

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  • This will list the table and extended property for any table with the word 'lookup' in the extended property.

    select as Table_name,

     p.value as Extended_Property

    from sysobjects o

     inner join sysproperties p on =

    where p.smallid = 0

     and convert(varchar, p.value) like '%lookup%'

    order by

    Hope this helps.


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