listing file locations

  • Hi everyone.

    Need to get a list of all the database file locations on a SQL 2000 Sp3 sever.

    Tried , sp_helpdb , sp_helpfile ( gave current db ) , sp_helpdevice , and sp_databases. But did not seem to get correct results.

    Seems I need a mix between sp_databases and sp_helpdevice to list all the database files.

    Any thoughts appreciated.


  • El,

    Try this:

    sp_msforeachdb 'Use [?] Select * From sysfiles'



  • use the sp_helpfile system stored procedure.

    sp_msforeachdb 'Use [?] exec sp_helpfile'

  • run following:


    CREATE TABLE #Files (

    [DatabaseNM] sysname NOT NULL,

    [name] [nchar] (128) NOT NULL ,

    [fileid] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

    [filename] [nchar] (260) NOT NULL ,

    [filegroup] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,

    [nvarchar] (18) NULL ,

    [maxsize] [nvarchar] (18) NULL ,

    [growth] [nvarchar] (18) NULL ,

    [usage] [varchar] (9) NOT NULL


    EXEC master..sp_MSForeachdb 'USE ?

    INSERT #Files

    SELECT ''?'', name,




    CONVERT(nvarchar(15), size * 8) + N'' KB'',

    CASE maxsize WHEN -1 THEN N''Unlimited''


    CONVERT(nvarchar(15), maxsize * 8) + N'' KB'' end,

    CASE status & 0x100000 WHEN 0x100000 THEN

    CONVERT(nvarchar(3), growth) + N''%''


    CONVERT(nvarchar(15), growth * 8) + N'' KB'' end,

    CASE status & 0x40 WHEN 0x40 THEN ''log only'' else ''data only'' end

    FROM sysfiles

    ORDER BY fileid'

    SELECT *

    FROM #Files

    ORDER BY DatabaseNM

    DROP TABLE #Files


  • Hi, Will this not do ?

    use master

    select * from sysaltfiles


  • from BOL: "Under special circumstances, contains rows corresponding to the files in a database."

    anyone know what these *special* circumstances may be?


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