List all users - Urgent

  • Hi,

    Does anyone have a SP or a script to find all the users, with access rights to different databases within a SQL Server.

    Thank you.


  • It's crude, but it serves the purpose for which it's intended. It shows users, databases and roles for each user, and permissions granted directly to each user.

    It DOES NOT show the specific permissions granted to the roles that a user belongs to, nor does it show permissions granted to public or guest.

    declare @name sysname, @sid nvarchar(4000), @qry varchar(8000)
    declare crs cursor local for 
    select name, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) from master.dbo.syslogins --where name = 'fred'
    order by name
    open crs
    fetch next from crs into @name, @sid
    while @@fetch_status = 0
      print ''; print ''
      print replicate('=',230)
      print '== User: '+@name
      print replicate('=',230)
      print ''
      exec sp_helplogins @name
      set @qry =  'if exists(select 1 from [?].dbo.sysusers where master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) = '''+@sid+''') '+
                  'begin '+
                    'declare @n sysname, @u int, @m varchar(100); '+
                    'select @u = uid, @n = name from [?].dbo.sysusers where master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(sid) = '''+@sid+'''; '+
                    'if exists(select 1 from [?].dbo.sysprotects where uid = @u) '+
                    'begin '+
                      'set @m = ''** Database: [?] **''; print replicate(''*'',len(@m)); print @m; print replicate(''*'',len(@m)); '+
                      'exec [?].dbo.sp_helprotect @username=@n; '+
                    'end '+
      exec sp_msforeachdb @qry
      fetch next from crs into @name, @sid
    close crs
    deallocate crs

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