List all the Values from the DimProject

  • Hi All ,

    I have

    factReadingDaily Table (id,ProjectID,ReadDate,Value)

    DimProject Table (ID,ProjectName,Address,ProjectType)

    i have made a regular relationship with factReadingDaily Table ( = factReadingDaily.ProjectID)


    ID ProjectName Address ProjectType

    1 ProjectName1 Address1 ProjectType1

    2 ProjectName2 Address2 ProjectType2

    3 ProjectName3 Address3 ProjectType3

    4 ProjectName4 Address4 ProjectType4

    5 ProjectName5 Address5 ProjectType5

    factReadingDaily Table

    id ProjectID ReadDate Value

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 11

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    Now when i browse the cube then i get only,2,3) only not the project 4,5

    How can i List all the projects from projectdimensions what property/settings i have to do in order to list all the projects although for the project 4,5 i have no entries in the fact table.


  • depends on which tool you're using to browse. assuming excel, right click in the background of the pivot table, look for PivotTableOptions, go to the Display tab, then look for a property "show items with no data on rows", check this box.


  • HI Steve

    I have to use MDX Query Instead.


  • If you're hand coding the MDX, then make sure you aren't using NON EMPTY at the beginning of your Row axis statement.


  • Thanks Steve I am greatful to you !!!

    For now i have below situation to poll the data from the cube...

    (Fact)FactReadingTable ->(Parent)Project.ID->(Child)ProjectEquipment.ProjectID (ReferenceProjectID)

    1 ) DimProject 2) DimProjectEquipment

    IN the Dimension Usage TAB

    Project.ID ----Regular RelationShip--> FactReadingTable.ProjectID (Materize)

    DimProjectEquipment.ProjectID ----Reference RelationShip--> Project.ID (Materize)

    Now I process the CUBE then it throws me exception attribute key ProjectID '4' can not be found.

    Steve How i set this , That is quite natural that a child table may not have all the reference all the project of Parent.

    Let me know if you need more information here..

    Is this difficult to achive ... Please help me .. I am using MSBI Analysis Service Project.

    DimProject (HDR)

    ID ProjectName Address ProjectType

    1 ProjectName1 Address1 ProjectType1

    2 ProjectName2 Address2 ProjectType2

    3 ProjectName3 Address3 ProjectType3

    4 ProjectName4 Address4 ProjectType4

    5 ProjectName5 Address5 ProjectType5

    DimProjectEquipment (Child)

    EquipmentID ProjectID EquipmentType

    1 1 SMO

    2 1 KLP

    3 2 SMO

    4 2 SMO

    5 3 KLP

    factReadingDaily Table

    id ProjectID ReadDate Value

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 11

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 1 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 2 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

    1 3 10-10-2012 10

  • based on the sample data and structure, not sure why you're not able to query what you need/want.

    re: the processing error, have you processed (full) your dimensions first and then process the measure group/s (facts)?


  • Yes, i have full processed it , But No luck My Child Table is Not having HDR Record 4 ,5 ....

    Am i missing something on relatioship ..?

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