Linking to images and/or other objects

  • Hi, I am not new to SQL but have a project coming up where we are storing MP3 files and letting users search, download and pay for them (in Thailand). I was going to store the files in BLOBS but was wondering how to just link to them and store them on a RAID 5 array and keep the music files outside of the database. I have not tried this before and was wondering how to do it in MS SQL.

    Thanks many times

    Barry Solomon

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  • Hi,

    This is Relatively easy and it is What I do for all of my Digital Media.  I figure the SQL server is not a Fileserver so I would prefer to store the Files on my web or ftp server. 

    All you have to do is have a column in your database that has a string for the address of the file that you want to use then in your App use the string in the Href of the <A> tag

    Hope that Helps

    Tal McMahon



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

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