November 14, 2006 at 8:14 am
Please, can anybody tell me, if it is possible to link staticaly tables and views from MS SQL 2000 database to the Access 2003 mdb file via SQLOLEBD provider.
November 15, 2006 at 1:14 am
Yes. This is based on the code in Chipman and Baron Microsoft Access Developer's Guide to SQL Server. (qv) I assume that all tables are owned by dbo and that when you link them, you give them the same name as they have in the SQL database i.e. you don't have dbo_ in front of the table name.
ConnectionString As String, _
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim SQLString As String
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' Found an existing tabledef.
db.TableDefs.Delete TableName
' No existing tabledef.
' Ignore error and reset.
End If
' Create a new TableDef object
Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef(TableName)
' Set the Connect and SourceTableName
' properties to establish the link
With tdf
.Connect = ConnectionString
.SourceTableName = "dbo." & TableName
End With
' Append to the database's TableDefs collection
db.TableDefs.Append tdf
'Set up index
SQLString = "CREATE INDEX PrimaryKey ON "
SQLString = SQLString & TableName & " ("
SQLString = SQLString & IndexString & ") WITH PRIMARY"
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLString
Exit Sub
Case Else
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " " _
& Err.Description, , "Link Tables DAO"
End Select
Resume ExitHere
IndexString is a list of the fields making up the primary key of the table or view.
November 15, 2006 at 10:00 am
Here is the code that we use to connect to all the tables in a SQL database. This does not attach to views. Hope this helps.
Sub Attach()
DoCmd.Hourglass True
'This code removes all links that currently exist
Dim MyDB As Database, TD As TableDef, strTd(1000) As String, intCount As Integer, x As Integer
Set MyDB = CurrentDb
intCount = 1
For Each TD In MyDB.TableDefs
If TD.Connect <> "" Then
strTd(intCount) = TD.Name
intCount = intCount + 1
End If
For x = 1 To intCount - 1
MyDB.TableDefs.Delete strTd(x)
'This code causes the ODBC dialog to open so that you can select the database you want to attach to
Dim strTblName As String, strConn As String, st As String
Dim sqldb As Database
Dim remoteTbl As TableDef
Set sqldb = OpenDatabase("", , , strConn)
strConn = sqldb.Connect
sqldb.QueryTimeout = 0
st = "Update System set ConnectionString='" & strConn & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute st, dbSQLPassThrough
'This code attaches to all the tables from the specified SQL Database.
For Each remoteTbl In sqldb.TableDefs
If InStr(remoteTbl.Name, ".sys") = 0 And InStr(remoteTbl.Name, "sys.") = 0 And InStr(remoteTbl.Name, ".dtp") = 0 And InStr(remoteTbl.Name, "Information_") = 0 Then
Set TD = MyDB.CreateTableDef(Mid(remoteTbl.Name, InStr(remoteTbl.Name, ".") + 1))
TD.Connect = strConn
TD.SourceTableName = remoteTbl.Name
MyDB.TableDefs.Append TD
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "Attaching complete"
End Sub
November 17, 2006 at 9:31 am
I see that you need to remove two lines of code that was for our application that stored the current link in one of our tables named "System"
Remove the following two lines:
st = "Update System set ConnectionString='" & strConn & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute st, dbSQLPassThrough
November 20, 2006 at 9:35 am
Thanks to all for your advice. Both contribution brought me several good ideas.
But, I thing, I did not describe my problem clearly.
What I want to know is If there is a way, how to link table via OLE DB technology (which is technology of ADODB a of the MS Access project /.adp/). I would like to avoid use of DSN and unify the data connection technology of our Access/MSSQL application.
I have fount out that the OLE DB connection string does not work in both procedures. Possibly, I had not correct one, but I used that which worked correctly with ADODB technology in the same application.
I use ADODB technology with OLEDB in our application quite extensively, even as recordsource for forms and reports. But I did not find the way, how to use it for staticaly or dynamicaly linked tables.
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