linked table from sqql server200 into access 97, problem with numeric data

  • I have a table in Sql Server 2000 with a numeric field, actually float.

    I use this table in an access 97 application, when trying to insert rounded data I receive an error talking something like "decimal precision it's too small yo receive the numeric value you tried to insert"

    The code ( in access )is this:

    INSERT INTO dbo_Celp (ValorTotal)

    SELECT val(format(CxCH.Cantidad*CxCH.Valor,"############")) AS ValorTotal

    FROM xxx

    WHERE ...

    Any idea?

    Muchas Gracias

    Luis Aguayo

  • Luis, check the BOL for the value range for FLOAT (

    - 1.79E+308 to -2.23E-308, 0 and 2.23E-308 to 1.79E+308

    ), then review the source data to find out if they are in the range. It may sound ridiculus, but we had a recent encounter with this situation passing floats from SAS to SQL.

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