Linked Servers have no info, but still work

  • Using SQLserver 2000, I have a "Linked Server" and a "Remote Server" (under security section).

    I can open both of these links and see the remote data, so the connections are active. However, I'm trying to document these links and when I view the properties for each connection, the provider information is blank. It says that the provider it's using is the "Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider", but the data source and string are all blank.

    When I run the sp "sp_linkedservers", it displays both remote servers, but again the data returned to the stored procedure is all "NULL".

    Is there someplace else this information could be stored?? It seems like it has to be getting it's connection string from somewhere, but I can't see to find it.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • What do you see here?

    select *

    from master.dbo.sysservers

    Do the linked servers appear?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Yes, they appear. They appear under the sp_linkedservers procedure also, but there's no information in them as to where these linked servers are, ip address, server name, etc. Below is what is retured:

    01089SQL2KSQL ServerSQLOLEDBSQL2KNULLNULL2005-03-31 16:50:59.960NULLNULLNULLNULL00SQL2K 010000100010NULL


  • If you look at the results returned from the query, the column "datasource" is the network name of the server. You can also see the provider in "providername".

    This is everything SQLServer needs to connect to the remote server. Logins are stored in master.dbo.sysoledbusers.

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

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