Linked Server to Progress

  • I hope someone can help me out with connecting to a Progress Database.

    Here is what is going on; I need to create a connection from SQL Server to a Progress database. I need to pull data down regularly to perform a comparison between multiple data sources including this Progress server.

    I have configured the ODBC Data source as a name of ‘ProgressODBC’ to point to the Progress database server (ProgressServer) that I need. I can access this server through MS Excel by setting the data source to this ODBC. Progress driver is 'DATADIRECT 4.10 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1E' PGPR0918.DLL

    However, I have tried to create a Linked Server to no avail. I seem to be able to create the Linked Server but when I try to access the tables I get the following error: 'OLE DB provider MSDASQL reported an error. Invalid connection Data source name not found and no default driver specified.'

    What I choose to use for the Linked Server is this:

    - Linked Server Name: lsProgress

    - Server Type: MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driver

    - Product Name : 4.10 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1E (I have even used the DLL name)

    - Data Source: ProgressODBC (I have even used the DLL name and the server name)

    - Provider String: ProgressServer

    - Location: I used the port number that was defined on the ProgressServer. I even tried to use the full location of where the database is located.

    - Catalog: I used the name of the database that I want to connect to

    On the Security tab:

    - Login should be made using this security context: I used the system userid that was supplied. However, there is no password. So, I used a 'space' as I found from Goggling this should work. Plus, that is the way the ODBC is set up too.

    On the Server Options tab:

    - I choose RPC and Use Remote Collation

    I am at a loss for what I can do. I contact the Progress support guy we use and they weren't too sure what to do.



  • Hi

    A couple of thoughts

    1. Can you get an ODBC connection to your PROGRESS database from any other application e.g. Excel

    2. Have you tried using the MERANT Progress ODBC driver

    Kind Regards


  • Hi J,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am able to connect to progress via ODBC from Excel and MS Access.

    I have not tried the Merant driver.



  • Did anyone answer your your problem? I am looking for the same answer to what you were asking.

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