Linked server to Oracle 10g

  • I have a linked server that was setup to and Oracle 8i database.  Everything was fine and dandy, until the Oracle group upgraded to 10g.  Now, using EM to create a view, if you add an Oracle table with an _ (underscore) in the name, the Diagram Pane will not display the colums in the table.  (Tables without underscores dispaly corretly.)  Thus, making it cumbersome to create the view.  If you correctly create the SQL statement, the query will run but the Diagram Pane will not display it.  I have 3 other servers with the same issue.

    Has anyone else run into this issue or have any ideas how to remedy it?

    Connection Info: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle with Oracle 8i client installed on SQL Server 2000 SP4.

  • You should install the Oracle 10 client

    drivers when connecting to an Oracle 10 DB.

    Oracle client drivers are only downwards compatible.

    Check out for more troubleshooting guidelines.

    (use oraclient9.dll, orasql9.dll & oci.dll or oraclient10.dll, orasql10.dll & oci.dll, depending on the client driver)

    Or, install the Oracle10 OLEDB Driver, and use this one instead of the Microsoft OLEDB driver (Oracle driver is often reported to be slower than MS one, had no issues yet.)

  • Yes, please use the Oracle OLEDB provider (OROLEDB.Oracle) rather than using MSDAORA. Microsoft hasn't done any enhancements to MSDAORA and in the tests that we had done, the Oracle OLEDB provider was faster than MSDAORA. MSDAORA also suffers from an issue of parsing the same statement twice if you are going to execute a stored procedure in Oracle using the command object in ADO.

    Using the Oracle OLEDB provider will also ensure that you have support for the new data-types that were introduced in 9i and then in 10g. MSDAORA enhancements haven't been done after 8.1.7 version.

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