Linked Server to cube issue

  • hi

    I thought this will be simple task however i tried to do various things over few hours but nothing worked. I am using SQL 2005 and trying to set up linked server to access cube (SSAS 2005).

    This is simple script for creating linked server. I am selecting last option in security and then manually putting user name and password. This user has appropriate permission (that's what i have been told by ICT). 

    First time I had an error 7302 and this was because "allow in process" in provider was not ticket. When I ticket that the error is now 7373.  

    Cannot set initialiation properties for OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server.

    OLE DB Provider "MSOLAP" for linked server returned message "the following system error occured: the system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 7373)

    /****** Object: LinkedServer [LINKED_cluRM01] Script Date: 18/01/2018 12:19:56 ******/

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LINKED_cluRM01', @srvproduct=N'MSOLAP', @provider=N'MSOLAP', @datasrc=N'CUBE-SERVER', @catalog=N'cube'

    /* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'LINKED_cluRM01',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser='user',@rmtpassword='password'


    I tried to reinstall MSOLAP (Analysis Services 9.0 OLEDB Provider) to see if helps but no luck.

    Is there anything I am missing?

  • dva2007 - Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:03 AM


    I thought this will be simple task however i tried to do various things over few hours but nothing worked. I am using SQL 2005 and trying to set up linked server to access cube (SSAS 2005).

    This is simple script for creating linked server. I am selecting last option in security and then manually putting user name and password. This user has appropriate permission (that's what i have been told by ICT). 

    First time I had an error 7302 and this was because "allow in process" in provider was not ticket. When I ticket that the error is now 7373.  

    Cannot set initialiation properties for OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server.

    OLE DB Provider "MSOLAP" for linked server returned message "the following system error occured: the system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 7373)

    /****** Object: LinkedServer [LINKED_cluRM01] Script Date: 18/01/2018 12:19:56 ******/

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LINKED_cluRM01', @srvproduct=N'MSOLAP', @provider=N'MSOLAP', @datasrc=N'CUBE-SERVER', @catalog=N'cube'

    /* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'LINKED_cluRM01',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser='user',@rmtpassword='password'


    I tried to reinstall MSOLAP (Analysis Services 9.0 OLEDB Provider) to see if helps but no luck.

    Is there anything I am missing?

    Is this a Windows login that has access to SSAS: @rmtuser='user',@rmtpassword='password'


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