linked server sql to oracle

  • Hi how to do this task

    I need to port the data from Oracle to SQL server. I need linkserver betwee my local database (SQL) to new server -abc (Oracle).

    Please reply Thanks in advance

  • You need the specific oracle version driver to setup an odbc source on your SQL server.

    We have 10g and i found that the only connector that would work was the actiual driver made by Oracle for SQL (the MS one wouldnt translate properly).


    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • you need to install the oracle client on the Server that is hosting the SQL Server instance.

    you'll have to copy/set up the TNS names files just as you would any other new isntallation, so that machine knows where your oracle instances are.

    once you can connect from the desktop of the server to your Oracle instance(s) with SQLPlus or SQLDeveloper or whatever oracle tool you normally use, everything would be in place to set up your linked server.

    here is an example of creating an oracle linked server; it will not work unless the steps above were completed.


    --Linked server Syntax for Oracle 10G


    DECLARE @server sysname,

    @srvproduct nvarchar(256),

    @provider nvarchar(256),

    @datasrc nvarchar(100),

    @location nvarchar(100),

    @provstr nvarchar(100),

    @catalog sysname,

    @sql varchar(1000)

    --add a linked server

    SET @server = N'MyOracle' --this is your Alias for the Oravle instance

    SET @srvproduct = N'Oracle' --never got this to work with any other value

    SET @provider = N'ORAOLEDB.Oracle' --which driver to use; valid for v8-v11; optionally 'MSDAORA' to use the MS driver f v8 or 9

    SET @datasrc = N'SFMN10G' --this is the SID

    cet @provstr = ''

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server,@srvproduct,@provider,@datasrc,NULL,@provstr

    -- exec sp_dropserver MyOracle

    exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='MyOracle',

    @useself = N'FALSE',

    @locallogin = 'sa',

    @rmtuser = N'CHANGE_ME',--oracle username

    @rmtpassword = 'NotARealPassword' --oracle password

    --list all the tables and their names

    EXEC sp_tables_ex MyOracle


    select * from MyOracle..CHANGE_ME.GMACT

    select * from MyOracle..MFHDS.GMACT

    --remove the linked server

    EXEC dbo.sp_DropServer 'MyOracle', 'DropLogins'


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  • Thank you for quick replys Dudes.

    Any other suggessions please with link or screenshots to setup this.

    Thanks in advance

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