Linked Server remote access

  • I created a LinkServer to an MS Access 2003 Db located on the same box. It works fine, sercurity was set up as User 'Admin' and Pasword is NULL. It is intended to be a shared table between MS Access application and another developer on a remote box. Unless he is on my box he can not connect via the linked server. Is it possible to have him remotely access the linked server? Or, would it be better to have him create the linked server to my MS Access DB on his box?

  • My dear the actaul purpose of Linked server is to access remote server .....definitely you can access it ....for better help please elaboratre your requirment.:):)

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • If the other developer is connecting to your SQL Server, he can use the linked server that you created. If your intention is for him to connect to the Access DB from his own instance of SQL Server, he needs to create his own linked server. Which means you need to make sure that he can connect to the Access DB via a UNC.


  • You are not "on your box" when you access the linked server. You've submitted a request to the server running on your box. You're allowing the service to connect to the Access linked server. If you allow the developer to connect to your SQL instance, he/she can use the linked server.

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