Linked Server or Replication

  • We have 1 main SQL server in our company. Now we plan to split this server into 3 servers by the application systems.

    But some tables in the old server are shared by more than one application systems, this means in our new 3-server model, some application will get data from multiple servers.

    Actually, we do not want to do a lot of application code modifications, so we want to make some copies(physically or logically) of those shared tables. I have tried some methods:

    1. Replication: with bi-direction merge replication. It can work, but hard to monitor and management.

    2. Use linked server: I tried to build a view in the other 2 servers, but I got a "DTC error".

    I prefered the second way but I am not sure it can work or not. Any comment?

    Is there any other solution for my task?



  • I'd always opt for replication over a code solution. If you can keep the data divided so that it only get's written to on one server, that's optimal and you can stick with transactional replication which is simple and dependable.

  • I agree with the idea of using replication for this. Merge replication isn't too bad but I would stay away from using Managed Identities if at all possible.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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