Linked Server not working from client App

  • I have a stroed procedure which access remote data through linked server. Following is the statement in the SP

    [font="Courier New"]exec('select a.invoiceno,a.invoicedate,convert(varchar,a.invoicedate,113) as strInvDate,totalvalue

    from openquery('+ @SERVERNAME +',

    ''SELECT top 1 pos_id,invoiceno,invoicedate,totalvalue From TestPOS.dbo.sal_invoices where doctype=2080

    order by invoicedate desc,invoiceno desc'') a, MAX_INVOICES b

    where b.terminalid='+ @TERMINAL + ' AND a.pos_id=b.terminalid and


    the SP is working fine when executed from SQL query analyzer

    But when I am trying this from VB6, it returns an error as below:

    [font="Courier New"][OLE/DB provider returned message: Invalid authorization specification][/font]

    Can anybody help please...

    thanks in advance.

    Thomas George

  • Chances are you are not using the same user account in query analyser as you're using in your VB6 application. Log into query analyser using the application's user account and then see if it works or if you get the same error.

    Also, try to not use OpenQuery if at all possible 🙂 As you can see it means you have awful nested quoting of strings. If it cannot be avoided then use the QUOTENAME system function or write your own UDF to put quotes around a string to avoid looking at things like ' ''' ''' 🙂 You'll also be less susceptible to SQL injection attacks if you use 4 part naming to access the linked server instead as in

    select * from [otherServer].[otherDatabase].[otherSchema].[otherTable] where otherSchema is usually DBO and otherServer is the name of the linked server you've already configured.

  • Yes exactly. I was not using the same user account.

    Now its working with the same account.

    Thanks a lot Ian..:)

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