linked server issue(2008 to 2000)

  • Is it possible to create a linked server? if its possible.. pls give suggestion..

    you can create as many linked server as u want with same destination server but your linked server name must be unique in each case.

    Steps to configure...

    1)Open linked server -- new linked server

    2)General tab -- give your linkedserver name -- select server type as sql server

    3) configure the security as per your requirement.

    a)Like, if you have any perticualr account configured on remote database which have the read permission only and this linked server is being used to just read operation then select, be made using this security context (and provide username/password)

    b) if windows account who will be using linked server have enough permission on destination server then you can select 'be made using the login's current security context'

    4) Cofigure the server option, like RPC/RPCOUT should be true or false.


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