August 25, 2010 at 12:40 am
i have trigger in a table, when i insert data to the table, trigger execute insert query to the different server,DB,and table.
but the trigger give me an error, whereas if the syntax in trigger i run in windows query, data smoothly
insert into target server,DB,and table..
does linked server can not execute via trigger??
any idea,please???
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "" returned message "No transaction is active.".
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure TrgInsertTblExpedition, Line 25
The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
August 25, 2010 at 3:24 am
i believe the error you are seeing is because the service MSDTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator)
must be running on both servers in order to support the cross instance transaction; you'll need to simply make the service started, and automatically start in order to get it to work.
Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Coordinates transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. If this service is stopped, these transactions will fail. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
separate from that, i would try to avoid doing this in a trigger , simply because if the transaction fails for any reason(DTC service not up,network connectivity,server itself is down) the trigger rolls back and you lose the data that was being inserted; I usually create a job instead which inserts the data that is not in the remote server yet; that way if the job fails, a subsequent pass of the same job can pickup where the last pass failed.
you can put the data in a local table, and then have a job insert that to the remote server as well instead; when the job is complete, it deletes the local table contents so you don't have to compare large tables between servers.
August 26, 2010 at 12:55 am
Mr. Lowell
i did, i have setting DTC on both server
-i have network DTC access checked
-allow remote client,administrator checked
-allow inbound checked
it's drive me crazy...
btw, thx for your idea,,
but i need quick data to insert, thats why i use trigger..
if i use job, of course i should setting schedule-->daily frequency -->occurs every = 2 or 3 minutes
hmm.. however i'll try it..
August 26, 2010 at 1:10 am
Could also be the security settings on the linked server. Try getting the trigger to run under a specified user context by using:
UPDATE table (cause trigger to fire)
August 26, 2010 at 1:30 am
like this??
ALTER TRIGGER [TrgInsertTblExpedition] ON [dbo].[T_StockGudang]
declare @tes(20)
select @tes = tes from inserted
insert into [].gudang.dbo.TblExpedition (tes)
it's not work, fox..
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